Compassionate Knowing

What is compassionate knowing? This is an exploration in search of a beginning.

Let it go. Let it return. Let it be. Compassionate knowing?

See the world as it is. Respond without expectation, without ego-interest, without defensiveness. Compassionate knowing?

In zazen a fly landed on my nose. I noticed it but let it remain. Compassionate knowing?

I was misperceived, misjudged. I had no reaction. Compassionate knowing?

I saw the pain behind her anger. My judgment dissolved. Compassionate knowing?
I saw the pain behind my anger. My anger dissolved. Compassionate knowing?

I bowed to a cat named Bodhi. She blinked in return. Compassionate knowing?

I meditated on a cat named Rasa. May you dance with mice in your dreams. Compassionate knowing?

I saw the chair across the room but didn’t see it as a “chair.” Compassionate knowing?

Absence of compassion. Void filled with poisons: judgment, guilt, shame, anger, defensiveness. Deeply rooted in delusion, the greatest of which is denial. Is there any self knowledge without compassion?

I watched with no interest to control. Compassionate knowing?

I watched the anger arise and singe the borders of hope. I watched it dissipate. Compassionate knowing?

I presented an argument, but I could have just as well have read poetry or ate a spoon of cashew butter. Compassionate knowing?

I embraced my shadow in the dark. Compassionate knowing?

The “I” disappeared, leaving only knowing. Compassionate knowing?


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