News & Announcements


August 22, 2019: Follow me on Instagram, GoodreadsTwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook.

August 04, 2019: Started work on my second novel. In A Person You May Know, Neuralink technology and an unconventional Facebook stalker force a disillusioned, grieving philosophy professor to consider giving up his biological self to live as a digital person in a virtual world.

July 29, 2019: The 4th draft of my novel Sylvia’s Shadow is complete. It’s undergoing beta reader and editorial evaluation. The story revolves around the apparent discovery of poet Sylvia Plath’s unfinished, lost novel Double Exposure. When individuals who handle the manuscript begin exhibiting aberrant behavior, it appears that the manuscript is not all Plath left behind. Thematically, the story interconnects the transformative power of books, the fuzzy boundaries of personal identity, the need for emotional closure, and the possibility of life after death.

January 6, 2018: Follow me on Instagram and Goodreads.

June 14, 2017:  I have completed my third book, a psychological thriller-horror novel called Gel.  I’m currently preparing the manuscript for a short-list of beta-readers. For more information, see Gel – New Book Announcement.

Friday, January 20, 2017: Appearance on The Q.Psience Project with host Jill Hanson. I discuss my exploration of paranormal phenomena and recent Stephen King inspired journey into dark fiction writing. The live broadcast begins at 10:00pm EST. Listen in at

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Sunday, December 4, 2016:  Second appearance on the Maureen Langan show on KGO Radio at 9:00pm.  We discuss several topics, including the epistemology of narcissism, heavy metal music and philosophy, and life after death. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016Appearance on the Maureen Langan show on KGO Radio at 8:00pm.  Topic: philosophy and the Presidential election. 











October 2, 2016: REPUBLISHED: My first book (on arguments for God’s existence in the Reformed theological tradition) is now available in paperback through Routledge. First published in hardback in 2009.











Friday, April 8, 2016:  Appearance on Q.Psience hosted by Jill Hanson 12341424_1831752917051164_1600449960497450069_n

March 21, 2016:  Talk in the Philosophy Department at University of Portland on Near-Death Experiences

January 26, 2016:  PUBLISHED – A Philosophical Critique of Empirical Arguments for Postmortem Survival Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 7.50.04 AM(Palgrave Macmillan – Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion). Now available at Amazon and through Palgrave Macmillan.  For further details, visit Facebook – Philosophy of Postmortem Survival, or read Book Overview or sample chapter.

“Michael Sudduth has produced a ground-breaking work – original, nuanced, empirically comprehensive, and conceptually sophisticated. It sheds new light on the confusions and superficiality dominating the literature on postmortem survival, and is a major contribution to survival research.” Stephen Braude

“In this important new book, Sudduth applies his skills as an analytical philosopher to a thoroughgoing examination of the logic of existing empirical arguments for personal postmortem survival . . . . It is dense with hard, clear, sustained, and provocative critical thinking, and rich in penetrating observations about the state of play in contemporary discussions of postmortem survival.” – Ed Kelly

May 10, 2015: Published interview on philosophy and my spiritual practice with Helen De Cruz